Blog is an abbreviated version of 'weblog' , which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. It is also known as online personal diaries (Wu 2005).
As the blogosphere converges with social media, blogs content significantly more influental than social network are (Technorati 2010). Nowadays, many people do blogging; the number of bloggers is increasingly every year.
As the blogosphere converges with social media, blogs content significantly more influental than social network are (Technorati 2010). Nowadays, many people do blogging; the number of bloggers is increasingly every year.
About 175,000 new weblogs were created each day, which means that on average, there are more than 2 blogs created each second of each day (Sifry 2006).
For commonly bloggers, it is like their diary to write their story, about their thoughts, about what they have done today, how they felt, share some experiences, basically they write a bit about everything. Blog is also one of their weapons to business; as proof they use blogs to write about their work like promote, reportage, and persuade. So it can be read and interact with all people around the world without taking long time.
- Martine M 2010, 'What is Blogging', Remarkablogger, blog posting 26 February, viewed 18 August 2011, <>.
- Sifry, D 2006, State of Blogoshere, Alerts, Technorati, viewed 18 August 2011, <>.
- Sobel, J 2010, State of Blogoshere 2010 Introduction, Article, Technorati, viewed 18 August 2011, <>.
- Wu, TH 2005, 'Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom: A Malaysian Case Study on Blogging Towards a Democratic Culture', paper presented at the 20th British, Irish, Law, Education, and Technology Association Conference, National University of Singapore, 6-7 April.
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