Screen document as we known as internet document have the potential to combine words and images in complex structures (Walsh 2006). Website has been create to attract attention of people all around the world, it offers a good layout, trust-able resources and provide picture, voice and video to make the readers have a depth understanding about the topic. Nielsen (1999) discuss about web design function is by letting the user's hand to move and looking for their need (by scrolling or clicking).
When we reading in screen, it will make us got much knowledge about specific topic that we need ,will make us always update every time and every where we need it, and more efficient. However reading online looks more interesting, it may not be effective as the printed reading. Its because the process involves many physical manipulation of the computer and it will interferes our focus with the reading; and online text provides so much thing about the reading which make us leave our imagination room to illustrate what
we are reading (Ballantyne 2008).

Whereas print document design is based on letting reader's eyes read all the information that stated there to make page element enhance and explain each others (Nielsen 1999). Sellen & Harper (1997) mention the advantages when we read a print document is paper supporting annotation while reading, quick navigation, and flexibility of spatial layout.
It is some explanation about Screen and print document design. So which one do u prefer?
References :
1. Ballantyne, C 2008, 'Online vs print reading: which one make us smarter?', Scientific American, 23 December, viewed 26 August 2011, <>.
2. Nielsen, J 1999, Differences between print design and web design, Alert box, <>.
3. Sellen, A & Harper, R 1997, 'Paper as an Analytic Resource for the Design of New Technologies. Proceedings of CHI', pp 319-326.
4. Walsh, M 2006, 'The Textual Shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts', Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, pp 24-37.
we are reading (Ballantyne 2008).

Whereas print document design is based on letting reader's eyes read all the information that stated there to make page element enhance and explain each others (Nielsen 1999). Sellen & Harper (1997) mention the advantages when we read a print document is paper supporting annotation while reading, quick navigation, and flexibility of spatial layout.
It is some explanation about Screen and print document design. So which one do u prefer?
References :
1. Ballantyne, C 2008, 'Online vs print reading: which one make us smarter?', Scientific American, 23 December, viewed 26 August 2011, <>.
2. Nielsen, J 1999, Differences between print design and web design, Alert box, <>.
3. Sellen, A & Harper, R 1997, 'Paper as an Analytic Resource for the Design of New Technologies. Proceedings of CHI', pp 319-326.
4. Walsh, M 2006, 'The Textual Shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts', Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, pp 24-37.