Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It’s a Reflection that means it is done!

This long journey of blogging has finally come to THE END! As a reflection, all blog that I have been written is full of my passion; even it might looks like amateur.

I understand that writing a blog is very different compare to essay writing. We must keep our each post short, simple, and interesting with adding appropriate words and relevant graphics to attract the readers, and persuade them to keep reading. Walsh(2006) stated that the suitable graphic could guide readers to get easy understand.

Throughout the whole process of blogging assignment for IPD, I have learned much knowledge about multi-modal text, and those issue about publication and design that unnoticed in our daily life.

As a bloggers also I have to be responsibility on what I have posted on my blog. I hope you, as a reader will gain some useful information from this blog. Thanks for reading my blog J

Walsh, M 2006, 'The textual shift: examining the reading process with print, visual, and multimodal texts', Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, Vol.29, No.1, pp.24-37.

Racism advertising should be forbidden

According to Chan (1996) one of the many functions of the mass media, aside from informing, entertaining, and influencing is cultural transmission. The television and magazine commercial indirectly transfer a cultural ideology to the viewers. For example, we can see roles of the men, what woman supposed to take, and should be in the society.

These days, many advertisement cases occurred because the advertising company still quite happy to play into racial stereotypes. Recently, Media Prima Bhd forced to pull out their controversial of Ramadan advertising on 8TV channel after they received many public criticism and accusations that the advertisement including racist point to some races. In order to feedback the claims, Media Prima chief operating officer Ahmad Izham Omar, wrote ‘Ok guys. We’re pulling out the ads. ‘Thank you very much for your concern,’ in twitter account.

Furthermore, he explains that Chinese girl eating in public, wearing revealing clothes, and being loud is just a suggestion that non-Muslim must be understand and respect the Ramadan culture (Muslim fasting month). Other case, the 8TV’s Hari Raya advertisement was taken off the air after enthused abundant online protest. Moreover, 8TV was fined RM50, 000 by Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) for airing Danish beer maker Carlsberg advertisement during the Euro 2004 championships.

However, currently racism is the problem that hard to noticed. Yet, they must be dealt with, because actually racism has broken the advertising ethics. Given the pervasive and seemingly intractable nature of racism in the media, is there any hope that we can make a difference? The answer is yes. They need to be awakening public, that racism should not be used in any situation, especially in commercial purpose (Sadiq 1997). Consumers require to more active and sensitive with this problem, and so on advertisers need to take responsibility for their own advertisements.

Example of racist advertisement:


1.Chan, J (ed.)1996, Regional Conference: Rough on Rats: Racism and Advertising in the Late 19th Century, Asian American Studies.

2. Chieh, YH 2011, ‘Media Prima pulls out racist Ramadan ads’, The Malaysia Insider, 2 August, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.

3. Hill, M 2009, 8 Ads You Wont Believe Are From the Last Few Years, article, Demand Media,Inc, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.

4. O’Barr WM 2007, Ethics and Advertising, Advertising and Society Review,The Advertising Educational Foundation,Inc, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.

5. Sadiq, S 1997, Racism and Sexism in Advertising, A magazine of student essays, San Juaquin Delta College, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.

6. Tator, C (ed.) 1995, Racism in the media conference: Taking a Stand Against Racism in the Media, The Toronto Community.

Media Website is developing their online video number

According to O’Neill (2011) D S Simon’s survey say that 85 percent of online media websites are now using online video content to cover the news, it is a booming number when we compare with last three years ago. The survey that delivered by Douglas Simon to media influencers showed that online media has now officially become a video programming network, and develop of online video have no signs to stop. Which means it will be continuing and always develops day by day.

It will no surprise if the news and advertising slowly move to online video. It is because the audiences these days have a really short time to pay attention, and watching an online video is often preferable to reading a long article.

Davies (2011) discusses some benefits of online video:

-        >> Interactive + interested = advertising revenue – An interactive and interested video will be more appreciated, because it will be relevant with the content and the feelings of the viewers.

-       >> Optimized for search engines video has enormous amounts of very rich data; video can be describing something with a million words. We just need to use three to five words to find the video information in search engine.

-       >>  Increased distribution and discoverabilityhuman always interesting with the creatures. If the producing could see, it would drive audiences to watch and do some actions.

-       >> Advanced Targeting - By analyzing viewers’ background and interactions, the producing department can quickly consider how to make a good program, which touchable, relevant and interesting to the audience.

-       >> Extended life of your video assets - it’s logical to assume that the videos could appreciate over time as well, and this would increase the total number of streams of distributors’ video assets.

Online Video is absolutely huge, 26 billion online video viewed per months in US only. The fact is, four-fifths of respondents indicated they would use more or much more video in 2011 than they did in 2010. It shows that the development of video use has a good increase. It is because we as a human always need a challenging, innovative, and creative thing.


1.     Davies, L 2011, Five Benefits of Communities for Online Video, Blog, Platform for Media, Inc., viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

2.     Gregory, A 2010, 27 Benefits of Online Video, Web Pro Business, Site Point Pty. Ltd, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

3.     Hermida, A 2011, How Online Video is Different From Television,, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

4.     O’Neill, M 2011, 85% Of Media Websites Now Use Online Video To Cover News, Web Video, Social Times, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

5.     Roth, S 2010, 7 Benefits of Online Video Marketing for Local Business, 21 November, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

A good journalist respects others work

Nowadays, Internet is the easiest sources to find the information. But the issue is ‘Is internet the legal sources?’ Until now it still debated, between copyrighted and free content of Internet source. It seems like many people duplicate some paragraph, steal the ideas, and state that it is their work. When they think about those conditions, publishers are frustrated with the seeming inability to keep material under control. There is a copyright case that happened in 2011.  

A booming case recently is that reposting a whole article even without the owner's authority was fair use in the work. In this case, Righthaven, a company that is specializing in copyright ligation, sued Wayne Hoehn for posting an article and invite audiences to discuss. Righthaven quarreled that posting those discussion article reduced the reading number of the Review Journal site.

After this case in process, the judge stated that Righthaven loses this casehe explains that those discussion articles are not for commercial purposes. Furthermore, he explains that Righthaven did not have enough of a stake to bring the case to the court. It is a continuing fire that Righthaven has.

Most of people look never care with copyright rules, the most in their mind is some article is good and just copy or stole its idea without reference any copyright there. It triggers many authors report that their book or article has been stolen by irresponsible elements. Trying to work fast and make a good instant article have accused be the main reason for the plagiarist.

But the problem is they are not the real authors of those articles that they made. They don’t have the same efforts like what the author has. To be a good journalist, we must conscientious with material that we use, no one want a termination because of plagiarize material right?  - It will be okay if you read some article to expand the ideas from, but Please put the copyright details there -

The sentence to reflect is ‘Isn’t it rude if someone stole your whole homework without say THANKYOU to you?’  

        1Allen, M 2011, Someone Stole My Article! What to do when it happen to you?, individual articles, Moira Allen, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

2.  Froemming, JG, Kayser, SM & Wilkes, MM 2011, Recent Copyright Case Developments—August 5, 2011, article, LexisNexis, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

3.  Kravets, D 2011, Nevada Judge Threatens Sanctions for Copyright Troll,, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

4.   Kremer, J 2011, ‘The Amazon Kindle Swindle - Authors: People Are Stealing Your Work!’, blogspot, blog posting, 10 May, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

5.   Maggie 2011, ‘RightHaven Loses Case Against Blogger Wayne Hoehn’, Word Press, blog posting, 21 June, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

6.    Templeton, B 2008, 10 Big Myths about copyright explained,, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

7.   Pichon, F 2011, Copyright material: fair and unfair use, World Edit, viewed 14 November 2011, <>.

Ortodox Jewish culture not publish women photography

An Orthodox Jewish newspaper, Di Tzeitung just make a new thing that ought to be debated in the world. What was so offensive about the image? U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was digitally deleting from a photograph of Barack Obama and his staff monitoring the raid by navy Seals that killed Osama bin Laden. Furthermore, they have been sent the regret and apologising letter to White House for  this case.

Rich (2011) discusses that in traditional Judaism, women are equal with men, but women’s obligations and responsibilities are slightly different from men’s. Indeed, women’s responsibilities are consider more important and appreciated than men’s. Digital deleting photos to Hillary Clinton did because the editor of Di Tzeitung noticed that she is a woman, which does not allow pictures of women to appease Orthodox sensitivities. Edited Hillary Clinton out of the photo might change the history, but this act of censorship is actually a violation of the Jewish legal principle of g'neivat da'at (deceit).

Once again, the striking similarities with Islamic extremists are inescapable. Any kind of newspaper will not include any photography of women, because it could be trigger sexualy suggestive, and kind of immodest.
Ortodox jews is really unique, especially for the women dress code. Women dress modest as required by Jewish law , If u enter any part of Orthodox Jews their appareance and dress code might attack you. You might wonder why they cover their hair with tichel (wig or hat), and why they wear the skirts and no pants?

In fact is, Jewish women must covers the body from the neckline to knee. However, there are huge differences in modern-ortodox Jewish women, they might expose the bottom part of their legs sometimes.

In this case, the White House, and Hillary had no comment on the removal of the women from this photo. In my oppinion, it is because US appreciate and respect Ortodox-Jews culture. They believe that women should be appreciated for who they are and what they do, not for what they look like, and removal picture are an expression of respect for women, not the opposite.


1. Miller, RJ 2011, ‘Hasidic Newspaper Photoshop’s Hillary Clinton from Iconic Photo’, The Jewish Week, 5 August, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.

2.Orthodox Judaism 2010, All about Orthodox Jewish Women, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.
3. Orthodox Judaism 2010, Everything you need to know about Orthodox Jews, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.
4. Orthodox Judaism 2010, Jewish Clothing for Women – Described, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.

5. Rich, TR 2011, The Role of Women, People, Judaism 101, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.

6. Turley, J 2011, ‘Clinton Erased From Famous Photo by Jewish Orthodox Daily’, Word Press, blog posting, 9 May, viewed 15 November 2011, <>.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Screen vs. Print Document Design

Screen document as we known as internet document have the potential to combine words and images in complex structures (Walsh 2006). Website has been create to attract attention of people all around the world, it offers a good layout, trust-able resources and provide picture, voice and video to make the readers have a depth understanding about the topic. Nielsen (1999) discuss about web design function is by letting the user's hand to move and looking for their need (by scrolling or clicking).

When we reading in screen, it will make us got much knowledge about specific topic that we need ,will make us always update every time and every where we need it, and more efficient. However reading online looks more interesting, it may not be effective as the printed reading. Its because the process involves many physical manipulation of the computer and it will interferes our focus with the reading; and online text provides so much thing about the reading which make us leave our imagination room to illustrate what 
we are reading (Ballantyne 2008).

Whereas print document design is based on letting reader's eyes read all the information that stated there to make page element enhance and explain each others (Nielsen 1999). Sellen & Harper (1997) mention the advantages when we read a print document is paper supporting annotation while reading, quick navigation, and flexibility of spatial layout.

It is some explanation about Screen and print document design. So which one do u prefer?

References : 
1. Ballantyne, C 2008, 'Online vs print reading: which one make us smarter?', Scientific American, 23 December, viewed 26 August 2011, <>.
2. Nielsen, J 1999, Differences between print design and web design, Alert box, <>.
3. Sellen, A & Harper, R 1997, 'Paper as an Analytic Resource for the Design of New Technologies. Proceedings of CHI', pp 319-326.
4. Walsh, M 2006, 'The Textual Shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts', Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, pp 24-37.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

New Forms of Media Publishing

The world has changed in media form,
New Media have its benefit to end-users : High impact, Freedom of choice, Usefulness , Instant availability, Kudos, Effectiveness, Appropriateness, The capability to sustain long term relationships, Expandability (Rossister 2010).

Back to 1980 to 1990, we only can obtain news through print. It started with only black and white printed pages and it's slightly confusing to read each article.

And now the newspapers have come out with color ,more interesting , and not make the readers confuse anymore when we compared with 1980's newspaper.

The new forms of media publishing which vastly use by people all around the world which combination of digital convergence, personal computer and global networking (Naughton 2006). Now on we are not just can't read the news by newspaper, now everyone can read news through the internet (e-newspaper) . It's become a new innovation that slowly replacing printed newspaper and reducing the production cost for newspaper company (Ihlstrom 2005).

Blog also taken its part being the news forms of media publishing, it makes people have their freely to come out with their opinion and feeling without any hindrance. People do not need to wait to share their ideas, it makes the news easily reach to people who have the same ideas. Social network like twitter, myspace, Youtube, facebook and so forth also taken a big role in new forms of media publishing. It's not only stop in it, now you can find anything and it always update via online, media has already provided e-magazine , e-books, e-television, skype ,yahoo messager, etc to spread the news through the internet.

References :
1. Ihlstrom, C 2005, The E-Newspaper Innovation-Converging Print and Online, viewed 26 August 2011, < >.
2. Naughton, J 2006, 'Blogging and the Emerging Media Ecosystem', viewed 25 August 2011, <>.
3. Rossister, L 2010, ‘The Benefit of new Media’, viewed 25 August 2011, <>.


The good advantages of online community is that users are able to contact , share their idea , news, matters and communicate with each other through blogging or emails (Berube 2005). White (2006) define the blogging community is a community who interact online within some bounded set of technologies.

According to White (2006), there are three types of bloging community, which are: 

1. Single Blog / Blog centric community

Owned by one owner / organization and make the readers be a part of community commenter although they not able to control the topic.

2. Central connecting topic community

The blog focus on certain topic, and other technologies are supporting the structure of these topic communities

3. Boundaries community

Collection of blogs and blogs readers hotel on platform. It works like forum which have their own discussion board and social network feature


Methods to build the Blogging Community (Nikkis 2010) :

Step 1: Read others blog to discover blogs which share the same interest and discover the start point to create a blog as to discuss with readers

Step 2: Leave comments on other blogs and put blog's URL so others can find your blog

Step3: Reply all comments to show people that their comments are appreciated

Step 4: List your blog in directories

Step5: Update your blog daily to give your readers with variety information and keep them longer to keep read it

Step 6: Makes your blog interest in background and its contain for your audiences targeted

Step 7: Start marketing your blog by making signature about your blog link beside the action of visiting and commenting on other blogs.


1.  BĂ©rube , M 2005, 'Blogging back at the Right' , vol. 91, no.5, viewed 24 August 2011, <>.

2. Nikkis 2010, 'How to Build a Blogging Community', eHow, viewed 24 August 2011, <>

3. White , N 2006, 'Blog and Community - launching a new paradigm for online community' , blog posting, 11 September, 24 August 2011, <>.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Classification of blogs & opinion about the most appropriate classification approach

There are three main reasons why people do blog is to speak about their mind, share expertise and experiences with family / friends, and making money or do business (Sussman 2009). Blog classification is required for the relevant blog searches, grouping blogs at a higher conceptual level, and its use (Singh & Joshi 2010).


Margaret Simmons (2008) came up herself with nine classifications :

1. Pamphleteering blog : an individual / group of individual arguing a case
2. Digest blog : collection of materials of elsewhere
3. Advocacy blog : advocacy/ commercial group cover many different issues
4. Popular Mechanics blog : offer training and advice in specialist field
5. Exhibition blog : bring someone creation to wider audiences

6. Gatewatcher blog : gatekeepers of traditional media
7. Diary
8. Advertisement : to boost products
9. News blog

For my opinion Margaret classification of blogs are really potentially and have important contributions to journalism, its make us as the common bloggers have a lot difficulties to classify a blog.

On the other hand, in my opinion classification based on Subject Matters:

1. Political

2. Law

3. Fashion

4. History

5. Technology

6. Travel

7. Sport

8. Food

199 words

References :

1. Ervaletta, T 2010, ‘


’, Blog spot , blog posting, 26 October, viewed 21 August 2011, <

2. Simmons, M 2008, Towards a taxonomy of blogs, Creative and Digital, Australian Policy Online, viewed 20 August 2011, <>.

3. Singh, AK & Joshi, RC 2010, Semantic tagging and classification of blog, Digital library, IEEE Explore, viewed 21 August 2011, <>.

4. Sussman, M 2009, The What and Why of Blogging, Article, Technorati,viewed 20 August 2011, <>.